This Saturday, Arizona GOP Senator John McCain said that he is sorry he chose then-Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in the presidential race which he lost to Barack Obama.
McCain told The New York Times that if he could do it all again, he would have picked former Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.
Lieberman also spoke for the New York Times and said that he didn’t know McCain felt that way. ‘It touched me greatly’ said Lieberman.
Sarah Palin started strong as the first female candidate for vice president. But very soon she became a controversial figure.
In one of the cases, Palin denounced as “ridiculous” talk of the Republican National Committee’s $150,000 spending spree on clothing and other accessories for the Palin family, according to The New York Post.
‘Those clothes, they are not my property,’ Palin insisted.
‘Just like the lighting and the staging and everything else that the RNC purchased, I’m not taking them with me,’ she added.
Many Americans back then, said that one of the biggest reasons they voted for John McCain was Sarah Palin, describing her as the best part of the ticket.
No doubt, Palin perked up McCains campaign and many believe that she was the main reason John McCain got as far as he did.
So before he blames everyone else for his lose, maybe McCain should confess to himself, that he was probably just a bad candidate for POTUS.