The Republican led Senate broke with Trump and passed an Iran War Powers resolution today with slight bipartisan support. President Trump says correctly that the bill will hinder his ability to counter Iran, a growing threat to the nation and to the region.
President Trump, like those who came before him, doesn’t need or want Congress to make decisions this critical as the time it takes for them to do anything would put the U.S. at a disadvantage.
The President will veto the bill and there are not enough votes to override the veto, so this is just another show vote for Congress.
CNN reported that the vote was 55-45. Eight Republicans voted in favor of it: Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Todd Young of Indiana, Mike Lee of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Jerry Moran of Kansas.
On Wednesday, President Trump warned the Senate not to green-light the measure, tweeting that “it is very important for our country’s security that the United States Senate not vote for the Iran War Powers Resolution,” and adding, “If my hands were tied, Iran would have a field day.”
The White House has also issued a veto threat against it.
Despite all of that, the resolution, chiefly authored by Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, won bipartisan support. Several GOP senators, including Lee, Paul and Collins, signed on as co-sponsors.
Earlier on Thursday, potential problems threatened to derail the resolution ahead of an the final vote, with Senate Democrats warning that an amendment filed late Wednesday by GOP Sen. Tom Cotton — that Democrats described as a poison pill — could draw enough support to pass and possibly make it difficult for the underlying bipartisan War Powers Resolution to maintain majority support.
But ultimately, the Senate defeated the controversial amendment, clearing the way for final passage. The Senate voted to table — or kill — the amendment.
The resolution “directs the President to terminate the use of United States Armed Forces for hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran or any part of its government or military, unless explicitly authorized by a declaration of war or specific authorization for use of military force against Iran.”
It includes a provision stating that no part of the resolution “shall be construed to prevent the United States from defending itself from imminent attack.”