Former Obama NSA Susan Rice appeared on CNN to discuss the first presidential debate and claimed that Russian leader Vladimir Putin was “doing the happy dance in the Kremlin” over President Trump’s behavior and “unhinged ranting and raving.”
“Let’s be clear how the rest of the world reacted,” Rice began.
“Our friends and allies, I believe, did a collective faceplant of just shame and embarrassment and despair.”
She continued “Vladimir Putin is doing the happy dance in the Kremlin tonight because, leaving aside the white supremacy comments or lack of comments about white supremacy, what Donald Trump did in his unhinged ranting and raving was to discredit civil discourse, disparage the American people, to whom he didn’t even give the dignity of serious responses, and to get up and say before the American people yet again that he will not respect the results of this election unless he himself is the winner, which is the idea of democracy.”
“So Vladimir Putin is doing the happening the happy dance and, in Beijing, state media is crowing that the debate was chaotic, disorderly and shows democracy is a form of government that should be discredited and discarded, and their form is in fact correct.”
“This was a disaster for U.S. global leadership, and a disaster delivered by Donald Trump, yet again,” the former Obama NSA explained.
“And, you know, when we think about the prospect of two more of these things, I pray, I hope that somehow they can be made to be different. Donald Trump is not going to change, but perhaps the format and the rules and the moderation can change,” she added.