Liz Cheney Says That Late-Term Abortions Are ‘Pure Evil’ & The Issue Is Not Up For Debate

Today on Fox & Friends, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney called late-term abortion “pure evil”, and added that the issue shouldn’t even be put up for debate.

“It should be an absolutely bipartisan issue that we protect babies,” said Liz Cheney.

“When we look at what we saw happen in Virginia, happen in New York, those bills that would allow babies to be killed. And then you had the governor of Virginia describing how it could happen even after a baby was born.” she continued.

“The fact that we’re even debating it is so appalling. It’s pure evil and we should certainly be able to come together across the aisle to protect babies.” said Cheney.

Rep. Liz Cheney also commented on her press conference she held on Wednesday, where said that Democrats would turn maternity wards into killing fields.

“As the mother of five babies, you realize how precious every human life is. I was really struck by Governor Northam’s cold clinical description of killing a baby essentially after the baby’s born,” she stated.

“And I think that when you look at the language in these bills in New York and Virginia in particular, and you look at the incentives that are in those bills, you look at the regulations that are lifted, the extent to which abortion would be unregulated outside of hospitals, that benefits Planned Parenthood.” she added.

Cheney also stated that “Those bills may not say Planned Parenthood but they are very much targeted to benefiting Planned Parenthood,”

“So on top of the evil of killing babies after they’re born, you’re doing it for profit for Planned Parenthood.”

“So it’s just an appalling situation and I certainly hope that the mothers on both sides of the aisle, the women on both sides of the aisle, that all of us as Americans will come together to say this should never happen.” she added.

Sarah Sanders On Wolf: ‘That Evening Says A Whole Lot More About Her Than It Does About Me’

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally spoke about the controversial performance of the comedian Michelle Wolf at the (WHCD) White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday.

Michelle Wolf, which stood only 2 feet away from Sarah went after the WH press secretary’s physical appearance and her religious beliefs.

Many of the politicos and journalists from both sides who also attended the dinner, slammed Michelle Wolf about what they perceived as mean-spirited attacks.

There have been many reports by the journalists about Sarah’ behind-the-scene reaction that evening, but Sanders had yet to publicly speak on the matter.

That was until her appearance on ‘Fox & Friends’ this Thursday morning.

‘Look, I think that evening says a whole lot more about her than it does about me,’ started Sarah.

‘The people that were my friends before that evening are my friends today, and I’m going to continue doing the job that I came here to do every single day,’ Sarah continued. ‘I’m very proud of the fact that I work in this administration for this president, and we’re going to keep pushing forward and doing everything we can to make America better.’

‘I think we’ve had a great first year and a half at doing that. A huge success story that we’re proud of,’ Sarah added. ‘I hope that she can find some of the same happiness that we all have because I think she may need a little bit more of that in her life, because the rest of us here are doing great.’

Prior to Sarah’ ‘Fox & Friends’ appearance, the WH press secretary reportedly said she would pray for Michelle Wolf.

‘Sarah Sanders was smiling. She owned it. I asked her about the attack and she shrugged with a smile and just said the attacks didn’t bother her and that she’s praying for the comedian,’ wrote The DC’s Benny Johnson on Facebook.

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