Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick appeared on Fox News and said that he will no longer listen to Anthony Fauci
“Fauci said that he’s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things.” Patrick said. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We haven’t skipped over anything.”
“The only thing I’m skipping over is listening to him. He has been wrong every time, on every issue.” Patrick continued.
“I don’t need his advice anymore. We’ll listen to a lot of science, we’ll listen to a lot of doctors, and myself and other state leaders will make the decision. No thank you, Dr. Fauci.”
The Hill reported that Patrick has repeatedly pushed for keeping sectors of the economy open throughout the pandemic.
In an interview on Fox News in April, the state official said that “there are more important things than living, and that’s saving this country for my children and grandchildren and saving this country for all of us.”
“Last night, Dan Patrick confirmed what we already knew: he and the rest of Texas’ GOP leadership are ignoring the advice of Dr. Fauci and public health experts,” Texas Democratic Party Communications Director Abhi Rahman said in a statement.
“Their abysmal failure of leadership is costing Texans their lives.”