Reports say that investigative reporter John Solomon had his car broken into, and his laptop was stolen. Solomon claims that his laptop contained a lot of evidence on the Biden corruption in Ukraine.
Coincidentally or not, the theft occurred the night before impeachment. His car was parked across from the White House, and police say it was done by a professional.
A sophisticated jamming device was used to open the car.
Solomon had been targeted by Adam Schiff, who doesn’t like the fact that Democratic corruption has been revealed by the reporter.
Adam Schiff claims that Solomon peddles conspiracy theories. Imagine, Adam Schiff accusing someone of lying. That is just dripping with irony.
Solomon says he is working with forensics experts to determine if the hard drive has been scanned.
Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations reported that on the night before the Senate impeachment trial began, someone broke into veteran Washington investigative journalist John Solomon’s car parked near the White House and stole his laptop, according to a D.C. Metropolitan Police Department report obtained by RealClearInvestigations.
The computer contained notes on Ukraine and former Vice President Joe Biden and other sensitive information, Solomon, 52, said in an interview. He said he was preparing to launch a new podcast and news site at the time.
Though the laptop has since been recovered, the investigation is still open. “The case has been assigned a detective and is under investigation,” MPD spokesman Sean Hickman told RCI.
The Secret Service is also involved in the matter, which appears suspicious. Break-ins are rare in the high-security area where the crime occurred, just outside the White House perimeter, and a sophisticated device appears to have been used to get into the vehicle.
The computer and bag, which also contained his U.S. Capitol press security badge, were discovered the next day a block away from where his car had been parked. The contents of the bag had been dumped out on a picnic bench near the FDIC building. The location had no security cameras, so there is no known video surveillance footage that can be reviewed. Authorities described it as one of the few “dark spots” in the area.