This Wednesday, rapper “The Game,” real name Jayceon Terrell Taylor, launched a vile attack on female conservative figure, Tomi Lahren, she however, was sure to hit back.
The rapper shared an Instagram post containing photos of Lahren, one from when she was about 16 years old and another recent headshot, captioned with accusing Lahren of undergoing “nine” plastic surgery procedures and sleeping with men to obtain her platform.
The language used in the attack was truly disgusting. Taylor disparaged Tomi Lahren’s appearance and called the 26-year-old a “b-word,” a “s-word,” among other vile names.
The rapper also accused Lahren of being “racist,” calling her a “b-word” and telling her to “shut the f up.”
After receiving some backlash, Jayceon Terrell Taylor deleted his post and you can no longer see it on his Instagram profile.
Lahren shared her response to the rapper via Instagram and in a video statement for Fox News’ Fox Nation.
“This is for you,” she wrote on her Instagram post, using the same photo of her that rapper Taylor used. “On the left is an unflattering high school photo of me. On the right is me now. Same big forehead, same ears that kinda stick out, same eyebrows, same Tomi. The difference? Tomi today has the guts and the confidence to post that high school photo you mocked.”
“Because guess what, I don’t do what I do for your approval or praise. I do it for the millions of young girls (on both sides of the political spectrum) who deserve to see a woman like me stand up for herself and not take s*** from jerks like you.” she continued.
The commentator also address other women, telling them their beauty is not defined by their appearance, but by their confidence.
“And ladies,” she said, “I hope you see this and know that beauty isn’t about your hair, makeup, eyebrows, weight, or any of it. Beauty radiates when you have the confidence to stand up for and love yourself regardless of who tries to pull you down.”
“So yeah Game, you can make fun of me and demean me but end of the day, you’re just a classless rapper who degrades women for attention. I win. Game over,” she concluded, adding the hashtags: “#TeamTomi#stillconfident #neverplaydead”
In her Fox Nation video, Tomi Lahren made it crystal clear that she wont be silenced, but noted how such inhumane sexist attacks deter other young girls from wanting to speak their minds in public.