Coffee giant Starbucks is facing a boycott as many of its customers are angry at the response to police presence in one of their stores.
Starbucks caught the media’s attention earlier, when a store in Tempe, Arizona kicked out a bunch of police officers for the crime of being police offices.
“This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening,” the police union wrote. “While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019.”
Now customers are furious with Starbucks, and their corporate, for not stepping in to do something for the police officers and the charge was led by Tomi Lahren.
“If you “don’t feel safe” around police, wait till you don’t have them to rely on. The disrespect for law enforcement in this country is disgusting.” Tomi Lahren posted on Twitter.
Many social media users joined Lahren and expressed their dissatisfaction about the incident.
“I feel unsafe around people who feel unsafe around police.” said a post on Twitter.
“I dumped Starbucks 2yrs ago. Their lack of respect for those who serve is 1 reason. The self entitled punks they hire is another. I support local cawfee shops” said another tweet.
“So disappointed Starbucks asked my coworkers to leave because a customer was uncomfortable with so many cops in one place. They were just taking a breather with some coffee before fireworks started. #starbucks is garbage. Support small businesses instead!” said another tweet.