Once again, former congressman Trey Gowdy is expressing his dislike for 2020 Democratic contender Eric Swalwell, as he is taking a sharp blow at Swalwell’s continued claims that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Trey Gowdy, who previously slammed Eric Swalwell’s 2020 bid, telling viewers on MSNBC that Swalwell’s someone who “I’m sure none of your viewers are familiar with and they won’t be a year from now” — tore into the 2020 candidate’s constant calls against the President.
Eric Swalwell is convinced there was collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government in 2016, even after special counsel Mueller’s final report didn’t conclude collusion and Attorney General William Barr didn’t charge President Donald Trump with obstruction.
“I think he acts on Russia’s behalf, and I challenge him to show me otherwise,” Swalwell previously said during MSNBC’s interview on Wednesday.
Appearing on Fox News late Friday, Trey Gowdy slammed Eric Swalwell while noting the idea of “President Swalwell ought to scare the ever-living Hell out of you.”
“His last sentence is exactly the difference between a prosecutor and a politician,” Trey Gowdy said.
“Prosecutors prove that you did something, politicians make you prove you did not. Did you hear his last sentence? ‘I challenge President Trump to prove that he did not do something.’ That’s what politicians do.” he continued.
During the interview, Trey Gowdy also offered praise toward Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s handling of Robert Mueller’s final report.
Rosenstein slammed Obama’s administration on Friday for choosing “not to publicize the full story about Russian computer hackers and social media trolls, and how they relate to a broader strategy to undermine America.”
Ever-since the release of Mueller’s report, former President Barack Obama’s administration has come under fire for allegedly, “on his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it.”