President Trump publicly humiliated former CIA Director John Brennan. Brennan is part of the gang who couldn’t shoot straight and rather than apologize for getting so much wrong he continues to traffic in thinly sourced propaganda.
Responding to a bogus hit job in the New York Times, Brennan said: “We are now in a full-blown national security crisis. By trying to prevent the flow of intelligence to Congress, Trump is abetting a Russian covert operation to keep him in office for Moscow’s interests, not America’s.”
President Trump didn’t wait long to respond, so he took to social media, and blasted the former CIA Director.
“Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa. Hoax number 7!” President Trump posted.
To his credit, Jake Tapper also took to social media and defended Trump, while ruining Brennan’s day.
It’s worth the read because it explains how these rumors can start from a flimsy point and then grow and spread.
Tapper wrote: “A national security official I know and trust pushes back on the way the briefing/ODNI story is being told, and others with firsthand knowledge agree with his assessment.”
“What’s been articulated in the news is that the intelligence community has concluded that the Russians are trying to help Trump again. But the intelligence doesn’t say that,” the official says…
“The problem is Shelby” — Pierson, the elections threats executive in the intelligence community — “said they developed a preference for Trump. A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that….”
“It’s more that they understand the president is someone they can work with, he’s a deal-maker. But not that they prefer him over Sanders or Buttigieg or anyone else. So it may have been miss-characterized by Shelby” at the House Intel briefing last week…”
“And by the way,” the official says, “both Democrats and Republicans were challenging this at the briefing.”
“Then there’s the matter of the tense meeting between President Trump and erstwhile Acting Director of National Intelligence Admiral Maguire…”
“The President was upset that he had to hear about an intelligence conclusion from a Member of the House Republicans rather than from the intelligence community. So he was out of joint with Maguire on that process.”
“None of this disputes that Trump desires to replace those who have Intel expertise with partisan loyalists, or dismisses the larger issues and concerns about Russia and how the president seeks help from abroad.”
“Just that there seems to be more to this particular story.”
“ALSO none of this disputes that the Russians (and others) are attempting to interfere in the US election again.”