On Friday, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about a news report of Charlie Chase, a 82 year old man wearing a Trump hat who was assaulted.
Trump Jr. wrote: “Awful. An 82 year old wearing a Trump hat was attacked by a leftwing nut job in Massachusetts. All political violence is wrong, but what kind of person commits violence against an elderly man?”
“If anyone has contact info for the victim please send my way.”
Don Jr. then successfully connected with the Trump supporter he posted about.
The Hill reported that Charlie Chase was invited on “The Howie Carr Show” for an interview about the incident and became emotional when Trump Jr. surprised him by calling in to thank him for his support.
“I saw your story. I’m sorry you had to go through that, and we really appreciate the support,” Trump Jr. said. “That shouldn’t be going on in America, and I just want to say thank you for your steadfast loyalty and service to our country. It means the world to us.”
“I have to thank you guys,” Chase responded. “You don’t know how much you mean to us.”
Trump Jr. also told Charlie Chase that they would send him some new Trump hats and clothes.
Chase said that he will return to the spot where the assault took place and continue to express his support for the president.
“This will not scare me away,” Chase said. “I’ll do this continuously until the election.”