
Trump Rips Keith Ellison Over Rally Restrictions, Says He Didn’t Apply Them To Protesters

Friday, President Donald Trump blasted Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, arguing that he didn’t apply rally restrictions he applied to the Trump campaign to protesters after George Floyd’s death.

Trump said “Your far-left Democrat Attorney General Keith Ellison and your Democrat Governor tried to shut down our rally, silence the people of Minnesota, and take away your freedom and your rights.”

The Presidentalso argued “When rioters and vandals sacked the city of Minneapolis earlier this year, Keith Ellison did not ask them to submit a permit, he told the throngs of violent demonstrators, “by all means, exercise your first Amendment rights.”

Appearing on CNN, Keith Ellison responded to Trump’s scathing criticism.

“We did not shut down their rally,” Ellison said about President Trump’s criticism of Dems limiting the capacity at his rally.

“All we’re trying to do is protect people from a deadly virus that has taken the lives of about 2,400 Minnesotans and about 230,000 Americans,” he added.

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