The media totally led by the Dems got all hysterical because President Trump “fired” but really reassigned the Vindman boys and recalled Ambassador Gordon Sondland.
As they have truly learned nothing from the last three years, the media and the Dems are rushing headlong the same doomed path as 2016 repeating every single mistake and they will be devastated when they lose.
The Vindman’s weren’t fired from a government paycheck, they are still on the payroll, they just were sent back to their regular jobs early.
And Sondland is just a hack who donated cash and probably bought an ambassadorship as is the custom in the swamp.
These are the hills the Democrats and the media want to die on? It’s their funeral but they should know from the past that they always get exposed.
Like they did when someone from President Trump’s team sent out this article showing Barack Obama firing a NSC guy like Vindman for tweeting anonymous criticism of his administration. Was there a fake scandal created by the media when he did it? Of course not.
The Daily Beast reported that a White House national security official was fired last week after being caught as the mystery Tweeter who has been tormenting the foreign policy community with insulting comments and revealing internal Obama administration information for over two years.
Jofi Joseph, a director in the non-proliferation section of the National Security Staff at the White House, has been surreptitiously tweeting under the moniker @natsecwonk, a Twitter feed famous inside Washington policy circles since it began in February, 2011 until it was shut down last week. Two administration officials confirmed that the mystery tweeter was Joseph, who has also worked at the State Department and on Capitol Hill for Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Joe Biden. Until recently, he was part of the administration’s team working on negotiations with Iran.
During his time tweeting under the @natsecwonk name, Joseph openly criticized the policies of his White House bosses and often insulted their intellect and appearance. At different times, he insulted or criticized several top White House and State Department officials, including former National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, Secretary of State John Kerry, and many others.
The Daily Beast saved a long record of @natsecwonk’s tweets prior to the shutting down of his Twitter feed.
“I’m a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me,” he once tweeted.
“Was Huma Abedin wearing beer goggles the night she met Anthony Wiener? Almost as bad a pairing as Samantha Powers and Cass Sunstein ….,” he tweeted on another occasion, insulting a top Clinton aide, a then Congressman, and two White House senior officials in one tweet.
Joseph’s snark was not confined to his Obama administration colleagues. He also took aim at senior Republican figures and lowly GOP Hill staffers.
“So when will someone do us the favor of getting rid of Sarah Palin and the rest of her white trash family? What utter useless garbage …. ,” he tweeted in October.
During the 2012 Presidential campaign, he lashed out at conservative journalists and members of the presidential campaign staff of Mitt Romney.