The Dems are pulling out all the tricks to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the 2020 nomination. And just like the GOP establishment in 2016, the swamp fears an independent voice because that imperils their grift.
At that time, Donald Trump beat back the GOP’s attempts through social media and outright threats – things Bernie does not excel at.
In short, the Democrat’s plan to stop President Trump with Joe Biden is probably going to backfire in many ways. For now, it’s safe to say that Bernie’s voters will break away dealing a lethal blow to Biden.
Then, when Trump starts hitting Joe with his actual record, many other Dems, especially the more liberal ones, will be aghast at what they learn.
During his recent show, Tucker gave them a preview and dragged a few skeletons from Joe Biden’s closet.
“Today both Buttigieg & Klobuchar endorsed Biden. These are party people doing the bidding of their corporate masters,” Tucker said.
“There’s nothing warm or sentimental about it. They’re pushing a defective product on consumers and they know it.”
“If there is a rogue candidate out there who might actually be serious about closing the carried interest loophole and forcing private equity barons to pay the same effective tax rate that you do, well that cannot stand.”
“Probably the only group sincerely cheering Biden on tonight are the credit card companies. For decades Biden was their paid lackey in Washington.”
“They bribed him with cash. They gave jobs to his son. Meanwhile, untold Americans were crushed by credit card debt.”