Fox News anchor Chris Wallace was impressed by the amazing fireworks display over the National Mall but also said that President Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention lacked figurative fireworks.
Wallace said that President Trump’s acceptance speech was too boring. The 70-minute speech, he said, felt more like a State of the Union address than a speech that was designed to inspire voters.
“There certainly were impressive fireworks on the Mall. But I have to say, I was surprised at the lack of fireworks in the president’s speech tonight. First of all, it was far too long. Seventy minutes exactly. And I thought at times it felt more like a State of the Union speech, like a campaign speech,” Wallace said.
“The president went through all of his accomplishments during his first term, and they are a great number, and they are considerable. And then, as you say, he went after Joe Biden, and he had good lines … “
“I have to say in his delivery, again, I thought the president, who we have seen really turn on a crowd, was surprisingly flat, and he didn’t seem to have the bite that he usually does have in his speeches,” he added.
Wallace questioned the Trump campaign’s decision to host a large crowd in close proximity during the pandemic.
He said that the packed South Lawn of the White House could distract from the policy goals detailed in Trump’s speech.
“The fact that there were 2,000 people in close quarters on the South Lawn there with no — seemingly, very few of them with masks — no social distancing, ignoring all of the public health recommendations. I suspect that is going to get a lot of comment in the next few days,” he said.
Chris Wallace praised Joe Biden’s speech to the Democratic National Convention last week.