Omar Navarro, the Republican congressional candidate looking to step in to take Rep. Maxine Waters’ seat, is calling for her to be “impeached” from Congress amid her countless attacks on President Trump.
In response to Waters calling President Trump’s supporters “unpatriotic,” Navarro responded that instead, “We must impeach you from Congress for encouraging threats towards Americans and our President.”
On Thursday, Navarro appeared on “Fox News” and sounded off on Waters, who has frequently called for Trump’s impeachment, noting that she may need to be the one to be booted from her role in our government.
The California congressional candidate stated that Waters must be impeached for her “disorderly behavior,” adding that U.S. voters within their district “want to see somebody that’s going to unite them.”
“They’re seeing Maxine Waters as dividing them, and they’re tired of it,” he added. “[…] I think that it’s time for a change. It’s time for someone who’s going to bring back jobs, bring back stability, common sense into our district, and I feel that I can do that.”
Maxine Waters appeared on MSNBC and claimed that “this president is more than arrogant,” adding, “This president has defied everybody and everything.”
“As the level of interest and the level of not putting up with this president any longer comes to the forefront and lays on, and leans on, and pressures the Congress of the United States, we’re going to have to do it. We’re going to have to impeach. I just wish it was sooner than later.” Waters said on the pressure of impeachment.
On Tuesday, she posted a series of tweets attacking the President saying that “we must impeach Putin’s president Trump!”
“Ninety percent of the calls and mail I’m receiving in my office support impeachment of Trump and so do I,” Waters also tweeted.
Rep. Maxine Waters added that “Mueller kicked the impeachment ball to the Congress. […] What more do we need?”
While Navarro fell short in the 2018 midterm elections, losing with 22.3 percent compared to Maxine Waters holding 77.7 percent, the Republican candidate is looking to take over California’s 43rd House district in 2020.