On Monday, Hollywood actor Jeff Daniels appeared on MSNBC and claimed that if President Trump gets re-elected in 2020, it would signal the end of democracy.
Jeff Daniels was on the show to discuss the upcoming election and how his role in the Broadway production of the 1960 book “To Kill A Mockingbird,” in which he plays the lead character Atticus Finch, is relevant to the current political climate in the United States.
“After the election, I was surprised some of the people, you know, I said, ‘Can you believe this election?’ And they go, ‘Yeah, isn’t it great?’ You’re going ‘Whoa.’ My wife’s on Facebook, we got another Trumper. You didn’t see it coming,” Jeff Daniels stated.
“Atticus [Finch] goes through this. I know these people. They’re good people. There are reasons why. He’s an apologist, he’s an enabler.” He continued.
“I think there are people in the mid-west, between the coasts, who don’t care about this, don’t have time for this, who have to make a decision now. You have to decide whether, like Atticus, you believe there is still compassion, decency, civility, respect for others, do unto others, remember that? Do unto others.”
“All that stuff you guys believe in and you still voted not for Hillary, for Trump, where are you now? Your kids are looking up at you going, but he lies. I think there are a lot of people in the mid-west who are going – it might be enough for them.”
“We’ll find out if the big gamble is to go all the way to November 2020, which I agree, and lose, it’s the end of democracy.” The actor concluded.
Not one person on the panel pushed back at the claim that President Trump’s re-election would end democracy.
Instead, Nicolle Wallace brought up the fact that former FBI Director Comey went and saw the play back in January. She proceeded to read a text she received from James Comey about his thoughts on the play.
Later on in the segment, Jeff Daniels went on a tangent suggesting that people only supported President Trump because they wanted lower taxes and that “race” played a role in his support.