AG Barr dropped the hammer on the media and Trump’s critics, as he appeared on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show.
“What happened to President Trump was one of the greatest travesties in American history, no basis for this investigation, what’s even more concerning is what happened after the campaign, a whole pattern of events to sabotage the presidency.”
AG Barr talked about how we need to start thinking about ending the lockdown before he turned towards the media and put them on blast.
The Hill reported that AG Barr late Wednesday claimed that the Washington press corps is on a “jihad” against President Trump over his promotion of an anti-malaria drug to treat the novel coronavirus.
In an interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham, Barr lauded Trump’s response to the outbreak of the virus, saying that the president’s been “very statesmanlike” in his efforts to work with governors around the country to address the crisis.
He railed against the media’s coverage of those efforts, though, arguing that the president has been the target of “snarky, gotcha questions from the White House media pool.”
He said that as soon as Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine, the press launched a concerted effort to discredit the drug.
“The stridency of the partisan attacks on [Trump have] gotten higher and higher,” Barr said. “The politicization of decisions like hydroxychloroquine, it’s been amazing to me.”
“Before the president said anything about it, there was fair and balanced drug of this very promising drug,” AG Barr continued.
“And the fact that it had such a long track record, the risks were pretty well-known. As soon as Trump said something positive about it, the media’s been on a jihad to discredit the drug.”