
April Ryan Gets Torn For Saying Sanders’ Head Should Be ‘Lopped Off’ – ‘Plays The Victim’ In Response

CNN political analyst April Ryan is under heat from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and others for calling for White House press secretary Sarah Sanders to be fired.

“Not only does she not have credibility, she lied,” April Ryan claimed on a CNN panel Thursday night, during a discussion about Sanders’ 2017 usage of the word “countless” when referring to FBI agents who had lost confidence in their former chief, James Comey.

“She out and out lied, and the people, the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the president’s mouthpiece-spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of story,” she said.

“When there was a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off. It’s fire me Thursday or fire me Good Friday. She needs to go.” she added.

Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sarah Sanders’ father, posted a tweet on Friday night that Ryan’s “incitement to murder” should lead to a revocation of her White House credentials.

“So liberals—is this okay?Does CNN have the integrity to deal w/ this incitement to murder?” he tweeted. “Will the ⁦@whca⁩ revoke April Ryan’s credentials? If not, they are gutless tools.”

CNN’s April Ryan responded to Huckabee’s tweets by referring to something the former Arkansas governor joked about back in 2017.

The comments Ryan referred to were posted by Gov. Mike Huckabee in response to so-called “pie-gate” back in 2017, when Ryan questioned the authenticity of a pie picture Sanders had tweeted.

The former Arkansas governor was actually making a joke about Southern women and their “homemade pies.”

“Let me tell you something, she’s been making this pie for years,” Huckabee told Fox News’ Stuart Varney. “Makes them for friends, but here’s the warning that I would issue. Stuart, don’t ever and I mean don’t ever mess with a Southern woman and her homemade pies.” he joked.

“It is as dangerous as when you hear a Southern woman begin her sentence with ‘bless your heart.’ It means you’re about to be gutted like a deer and just don’t know it.” he added.

Meanwhile, many conservatives on social media weren’t falling for Ryan’s “unreal” attempt to “play the victim” game.

“How do you identify legitimate criticism vs. “inciting violence” with the left’s new standards?

April Ryan literally called for @PressSec’s head to be “lopped off” and is now playing the victim because her dad called for her credentials to be revoked.

In what world is this ok?” said a post on Twitter.

“-April Ryan: “you have to start lopping the heads off”
-Mike Huckabee: “will the White House revoke April Ryan’s credentials?”
-April Ryan: “if anything happens to me—you & your daughter & this administration will be held accountable!”
-This new Leftist strategy is SO annoying.” said another.

“April Ryan is the one who needs to be fired!” said a tweet.

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