Candace Owens is not taking the insults from rapper Cardi B. lightly.
In a recent video on Instagram, Cardi B. accusing Owens of getting “pimped out by white men” and says “I don’t know what Black man broke your heart … that you hate your kind so much.”
After Candace Owens spoke about how she didn’t think Biden getting interviewed by Cardi. B was appropriate, Cardi B. shared this video and wrote “You wanna know why joe gotta talk to me Candice cause I have the #1 song & yet my sister can’t go to the beach in the Hampton’s wit out trump supporters harassing cause they were by themselves & Santa Claus was harassing my sis GF all because they are a Afro/Hispanic gay couple ”
Candace Owens was not impressed by the video.
She replied: To clarify—Joe Biden “gotta talk” to you because you have the number 1 song and Santa Claus was harassing your sister? Um. K. Thanks for clearing that one up.
Cardi B. then replied “Yes you are right I have the number 1 song & I have a huge platform and I can make millions go vote to get the MAN THAT USED YOU .I don’t want to argue with you Candace I really don’t have the time.”
She added “I honestly just feel sorry for you.”
Candace wasn’t finished she fired back at Cardi B. and wrote “Lastly, asking racist Joe Biden to lower your taxes in the same breath that you asked for free universal healthcare is about as thick as it gets. When you stick to music, you can get left alone.”
She then warned the “WAP” rapper “When you dabble in politics, you will get called out for platforming ignorance.”
Cardi B. was apparently baited into replying and wrote “Well paying taxes is something that as much as I hate it’s a reality I will always have to pay …but I rather my tax money go to free education then police funding ….Use my money on something USEFUL.Your president use our tax money to fu d his empty campaign runs”