During a recent TV segment on TNT, NBA legend Charles Barkley spoke out against the “Defund the Police” movement and defends police involved in the Breonna Taylor shooting.
Barkley said “We need to weed out the bad cops, you know I hear these guys getting on television these politicians talking about ‘defunding the police department.”
“First of all, that would have a negative effect on the black communities” the NBA legend continued. “who the black people gonna call, Ghostbusters when we have crime in our neighborhoods?”
“We need police reform. Like I say white people, especially rich white people, they’re always gonna have cops. So we need to stop the defund or abolish the police crap,” Barkley added.
Barkley also made the argument that you can’t put the Breonna Taylor case in the same situation as George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery because her boyfriend shot at the police.
“This one, I don’t think it was like George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and things like that,” Barkley said “I feel bad this young lady lost her life, but, you know, we do have to take into account her boyfriend did shoot at the cops and shot a cop.”
Barkley’s remarks resulted in a firestorm of controversy with many left-wing activists angry at him and his name is now trending on Twitter.