Tempers flared as the Dems impeachment trial dragged on late last night causing Chief Justice John Roberts to crack down and rebuke Jerry Nadler and Pat Cipollone.
Nadler forgot where he was and lobbed unsubstantiated charges against President Trump and his legal team accusing them of covering up and voting against America.
Pat Cipollone, one of Trump’s lawyers, immediately attacked Nadler. Look, the Senate controls the rules and the GOP has a tenuous hold as long as they stay firm and together.
So the Dems can throw as many temper tantrums as they want but President Trump will be acquitted and the people will decide in 2020, as it should be.
“I think it is appropriate for me to admonish both the House managers and the President’s counsel in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the world’s greatest deliberative body,” Roberts said. “One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and using language that is not conducive to civil discourse.”
CNN reported that Roberts had just listened to the impeachment managers and President Trump’s legal team rip into each other after House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler made the case for issuing a subpoena for former national security adviser John Bolton’s testimony.
As the argument progressed, Jerry Nadler accused Republican senators of “voting for a cover-up” by killing amendments for documents and testimony of additional witnesses.
“So far, I’m sad to say, I see a lot of senators voting for a cover-up. Voting to deny witnesses and obviously a treacherous vote,” Jerry Nadler said. “A vote against an honest consideration of the evidence against the President. A vote against an honest trial. A vote against the United States.”
That led to White House counsel Pat Cipollone firing back during his own remarks: “The only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler, is you. For the way you addressed this body. This is the United States Senate. You’re not in charge here.”
Roberts said that kind of exchange wasn’t appropriate and, providing a historical example, reminded the legal teams they they need to be on their best behavior.
“In the 1905 Swain trial, a senator objected when one of the managers used the word ‘pettifogging’ and the presiding officer said the word ought not to have been used,” Roberts said. “I don’t think we need to aspire to that high of a standard, but I do think those addressing the Senate should remember where they are.”