Former FBI official revealed that some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were recovered in the “executive offices” of the White House while former President Barack Obama held the office.
According to a disclosure obtained by Judicial Watch, the assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, Bill Priestap, admitted that the “email repositories were obtained” from the executive offices of the White House. Bill Priestap has retired from the FBI since then, as the Washington Examiner reported.
Judicial Watch questioned top intelligence officials after a judge ordered several key administrators to be deposed under oath about Clinton’s emails as it was connected to her private server and the emails sent regarding her response to the embassy attack at Benghazi.
This deposition exposed that missing emails were found at the White House, the State Department, and several individuals such as Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated that Clinton avoided criminal prosecution just because the White House was “implicated” in the email scandal while Ex-President Obama’s Department of Justice was investigating the use of the private server.
“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people. No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”
In addition, Judicial Watch reported that 48,982 emails were recovered from former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
New York authorities confiscated the disgraced congressman’s laptop as part of an investigation into whether he sent sexually explicit images to a minor. During the investigation, FBI officials were notified that several emails from Clinton were also on the computer.
For now, it is not clear what will come of this information. Many Republicans, including Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, have already strongly hinted that they would love to see a special counsel investigation into Clinton and the Obama Department of Justice.