
Freshman Democrat Breaks Her Party’s Narrative, Admits The Border Crisis Is Real:’I Don’t Think A Wall Is Immoral’

This weekend, Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) broke from her party when she admitted that the crisis at our southern border is real and pushed back on the narrative that President Trump’s proposed border wall is “immoral.”

Slotkin appeared on Fox News on Sunday, and explained that her background in CIA gives her unique insight into the situation at our border with Mexico.

“The border situation is a national security issue, it’s an economic issue, and it’s a moral issue,” she said. “The sheer numbers that are coming over right now, you got to call a spade a spade. It is extremely difficult to deal with.”

Slotkin also explained the importance of giving Border Patrol agents the resources they need, and she dismissed the notion that a wall is immoral.

“We’ve got to make sure that the border forces have what they need in order to protect people and deal with them in a humanitarian way. You just make sure that they have the resources that they need, the bed space that they need. It’s a practical, logistical situation. I don’t think a wall is immoral. We do this every day in the military. Do an honest-to-God needs assessment of what you need and do it.” she stated.

The freshman Democrat is breaking her party’s narrative after the Department of Homeland Security continues to deal with what the President has declared a national emergency at our southern border and as the situation reaches a “breaking point.”

Her remark is also a slap in the face of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who earlier this year declared that “the fact is, a wall is an immorality. It’s not who we are as a nation.”


At the time, Nancy Pelosi took heat for her comment, getting called out by both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who pointed out that many of her fellow Dems didn’t have a problem with border walls back in 2006, and fellow Democrat Rep. Steny Hoyer, who voiced his own disagreement.

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