Charlie Daniels doesn’t mince words. The country singer came from humble origins and never adopted the Hollywood lifestyle. If anyone knows what Americans in the heartland are feeling and thinking amidst these troubled times, it’s Charlie Daniels.
Daniels directed a tweet at Black Lives Matter and the city council who are so intent on getting rid of the Minneapolis Police Department.
“Before you take the big plunge why don’t you people in Minneapolis just give your policemen a week off with pay… Learn the hard way,” he posted.
The country singer then blasted the Dems and Black Lives Matter for blaming the George Floyd killing on so-called “systemic racism” in America.
“When something like this happens, if the victim is a member of a minority, the first play of a faux leader is always the race card,” Daniels said.
“Not, ‘Why was this officer on the street in the first place?’ ‘Why didn’t his immediate superiors know from his record that he was a problem and pull him out of pressure situations?’ ‘The record of other questionable actions was there, why was it not acted upon?’” Charlie declared.
“Every election, for the past half-century, politicians stand up and tell the voters what they are capable of doing, how they will change the business as usual graft and corruption and balance the scales of justice for minorities and underdogs,” Daniels said.
“They claim to have the ability and courage to bring about real social and political change, they have the answer to leveling the playing field, they will be the champions of the forgotten man, they have the strength and integrity to procure true liberty and justice for all,” the country star explained.
“And then, the first thing they say when faced with a difficult situation, ‘It ain’t my fault’ and blame ‘Four hundred years of racism in America,”‘ Charlie explained.
Daniels gave advice to patriotic Americans to get through this time. Like exercising your right to own a firearm.
“I have been trying to find a little light at the end of this long and tragic tunnel and have come to a few conclusions,” Charlie said.
“Remember that it is the intent of some politicians and those in the media to paint the darkest picture they can conjure up to scare the public into going along with profligate spending and loss of personal freedoms,” he said.
“Just because there are people busting up storefronts and setting police cars on fire, never believe there are enough of them to overcome our society, that’s what they desperately want you to believe and panic from fear,” he declared.
“If you don’t own a firearm, get one and it doesn’t have to be a 9mm semi-automatic or an AK-47. Get something you can handle and are not afraid of,” Daniels advised.
“The more basic, the better,” Charlie added. “The best home protection I know of is a double-barreled 12-gauge shotgun with hammers you cock by hand before you shoot, it doesn’t jam and when loaded with double aught buckshot and both barrels fired simultaneously, can take down any three people coming through your front door.”
“We all hope and pray it won’t come to that but if you’re apprehensive a little preparation could help,” Daniels concluded.
Then he reminded Americans that God is in control: “That there are things that happen in this world that man has no control whatsoever over.
A farmer can plant a seed, but he can’t make it grow.
A baby can be delivered into the world, but no one can make it start breathing.
A doctor can treat, prescribe medicine and perform surgery, but he cannot heal.
All these things require the touch of the Creator’s hand, to cause a seed to grow, a baby to breathe, a medicine to heal and the answer to a cure for a deadly pandemic.
God operating in His way and His time, the Bible says His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
You can believe this now or you can believe it later, but believe it, you will.”
If anyone needs to hear this, it’s the Dems and their cohorts Black Lives Matter. Americans are fully aware they are fueling the riots hoping to achieve anarchy by defunding the police. Charlie Daniels reminds us “God is in control” and no one gains power without His consent.
We must put our faith in the Almighty and do all we can to keep our families safe. In God’s good time, these evildoers will be destroyed, and His servants will inherit the earth.