Wednesday, House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy threatened a motion to remove Nancy Pelosi from her role as House Speaker if she attempts to impeach President Donald Trump a second time in order to stall the confirmation of Trump’s SCOTUS nominee to replace Justice Ginsburg.
McCarthy told reporters “I will make you this one promise, listening to the speaker on television this weekend, if she tries to move for an impeachment based upon the president following the Constitution, I think there will be a move on the floor to no longer have the question of her being Speaker. She may think she has a quiver. We do too.”
He continued “The president is supposed to move forward and they will. The Senate is supposed to take the action and they will — it’s their constitutional right and they are following through.”
“If Pelosi and House Democrats try to impeach the president, we will take the movement to remove her from speakership,” McCarthy added.
Asked directly by George Stephanopoulos Sunday if she’d consider impeaching Trump again to stall the confirmation of a Trump selected SCOTUS nominee, Pelosi responded “We have our options. We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country.”
Texas Republican Lawmaker Chip Roy spoke for the DailyCaller and told them that “at every turn, Speaker Pelosi has failed to lead the American people. She’s eroded the institution of the House, allowing members 23 out of 435 members of the House to conduct official business through so-called proxy voting. She refuses to work with Republicans, blocking amendments and often bypassing the committee process.”
Roy added “She refuses to govern beyond partisan, political grandstanding, and even went so far as to all republicans ‘enemies of the state.’ She must be removed as speaker so that the nation can start getting serious about doing the work of the American people.”
Republican Georgia lawmaker Jody Hice also said that she wants McCarthy to consider ousting Pelosi from her leadership position.
Hice told the DailyCaller “America cannot afford another four months of Nancy Pelosi’s toxic leadership. As Speaker of the House, she has routinely prioritized her own political objectives over the needs of the American people. Her tacit alliance with the extremists within the Democratic Party – both the Socialists here in the House and the Marxists and Anarchists in the streets – is dangerous.”
She added “Her repeated attempts to undermine the integrity of our elections by pushing universal mail-in voting is a direct threat to American democracy. Yet, she has the audacity to label all Republicans as ‘domestic enemies’ and ‘enemies of the state.’ We need to remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. We need to do it now.”