Talking Points USA senior contributor Rob Smith blasted black leftists for criticizing Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who is also black, because his office did not charge any of the Louisville police officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor.
In a column for Fox News, Smith argued that Cameron’s decision not to file murder charges against any of the officers was because the facts of the case did not warrant them.
“Cameron announced that a grand jury determined that two police officers were justified in firing their guns because Taylor’s boyfriend [Kenneth Walker] shot at them first after officers used a battering ram to force their way into her apartment,” he wrote.
One of the officers, Sgt. Johnathan Mattingly, was struck in the leg by Walker’s bullet.
He also noted that one now-former officer, Sgt. Brett Hankison, was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment because shots he fired during the exchange entered a neighboring apartment.
Also, despite numerous media reports to the contrary, Cameron said during a news conference on Wednesday to discuss the case and the charges that the raid conducted March 13 was not “no-knock.” He said officers knocked on the door and announced that they were police officers — an account he said was also backed up by a witness.
The Associated Press reported in July that both Mattingly and Walker confirmed that officers did knock on the door.
“Predictably,” Smith writes, “the decision not to charge officers in the shooting of Breonna Taylor made those intent on using black pain to exploit a political agenda very upset, and they responded with racially charged attacks on Cameron, a black Republican who can count President Donald Trump as a high-profile and vocal fan.”
Smith noted that two police officers were shot during protests in Louisville Wednesday night, both receiving non-life-threatening injuries though one had to undergo surgery. Police have a suspect in custody.
The TPUSA contributor then ripped retired Los Angeles Police Department Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey, who is black, for the manner in which she criticized Cameron.
“Let me say this as a Black woman … he does not speak for Black folks. He’s skinfolk but, he is not kinfolk. … He does not speak for all of us. This was not a tragedy, this was a murder. He should be ashamed of himself,” she said.
Meanwhile, Smith notes, Louisville attorney Dawn Elliot, who is also black, said that the AG should stop “eating the coon flakes the White House is serving,” while criticizing his association with Trump.
“That’s a slur against black conservatives, like calling us ‘Uncle Toms,’” Smith said.
Both suggest that because Cameron is black and Taylor was black, he should have charged white police officers with her death.
During his press conference, Cameron said he understood the pain the black community was feeling, but their anger is “misplaced” because his office was looking for the truth.
“The decision before my office as a special prosecutor in this case, was not to decide the loss of Miss Taylor’s life was a tragedy. The answer to that question is unequivocally yes,” the AG said. “There is no doubt that this is a gut-wrenching, emotional case, and the pain that many people are feeling is understandable.”
However, Cameron continued, “My role as the special prosecutor, in this case, is to set aside everything in pursuit of the truth. My job is to present the facts to the grand jury, and the grand jury then applies those facts to the law. If we simply act on emotion or outrage, there is no justice. Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice — it just becomes revenge. And in our system, criminal justice isn’t the quest for revenge.”
As for Smith, he said that there are forces at play that are intentionally fomenting racial division.
“There are activists in many places right now who do not want racial reconciliation. They do not want the police reforms they claim to favor. They want nothing but chaos and destruction, and they will continue to manipulate the emotions of black people to do this,” he wrote.
“Breonna Taylor’s death is a tragedy, but we must not let the whims of a liberal media narrative, celebrities who exploit tragedy for attention, and groups that seek to tear America down force us to abandon our capacity for reason,” Smith added.