Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared on “The View” and turned the tables on co-host Joy Behar and the other shameless Trump critics.
They tried to bash President Trump and blame him for everything but Sen. Graham wasn’t having it and exposed their lack of knowledge with a smile on his face.
Lindsey is a very smooth talker and Joy Behar was no match for the GOP Senator. Behar thought she had a gotcha question and asked Lindsey to name three things Trump has done right. He embarrassed her.
Lifezette reported that Sen. Graham ventured into the den of gorgons and was petulantly asked by coven chief Joy Behar to name three things the president has done right in fighting the coronavirus.
She prefaced her query with a nasty jab at President Trump’s ego. Her tone in asking the question implied that Sen. Graham couldn’t come up with even one thing the president did right. She was in for a comeuppance.
“The first thing he did was — [on], I think January 31st — stop travel from China. The Chinese are the bad guy here if you’re looking for a bad guy,” said Graham.
He also said that the Chinese travel ban “probably saved us a lot of heartache,” saying that move “flattened the curve.”
Number two was listening to Doctor Fauci and Dr. Birx and number three was declaring a national emergency to fight the virus.
Behar, not too happy with his quick response, asked Graham a leading question on the halt to funding for the WHO.
Graham shot back, “I think they conspired with China to downplay the nature of the virus, that they reported all through January there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission.”
“The money that’s being suspended will go to other people throughout the world to deal with health issues.”