Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood is a rare star that’s a proud conservative. He was famously anti-Obama and supported President Trump over Hillary.
He has championed conservative causes and in a shocker, he seemed to come out in support of Mike Bloomberg over Donald Trump.
That said – he may be talking about just the Dem side (as for wanting Mike to win) and if Bernie or Liz Warren gets the nomination, no doubts he will support President Donald Trump.
CNN reported that actor and director Clint Eastwood, a longtime supporter of Republican candidates, appeared to back Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg for president and criticized President Donald Trump’s behavior in office in an interview published in The Wall Street Journal Friday.
“The best thing we could do is just get Mike Bloomberg in there,” the conservative said of the former New York mayor, according to the Journal.
Eastwood also told the newspaper that he approves of “certain things” that Trump has done as President, without going into further detail.
He said, however, that he wishes Trump would behave “in a more genteel way, without tweeting and calling people names,” the Journal reported.
“I would personally like for him to not bring himself to that level,” he told the paper.
According to the Journal, Eastwood, who described himself as a libertarian, lamented that domestic politics has become “ornery.”
In an interview with Esquire during the 2016 campaign, Eastwood was asked how he’d vote between Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
“That’s a tough one, isn’t it? I’d have to go for Trump … you know, ’cause she’s declared that she’s gonna follow in Obama’s footsteps. There’s been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle. She’s made a lot of dough out of being a politician,” he said.
Eastwood also famously spoke at the 2012 Republican National Convention, in which he addressed an “invisible” President Obama sitting in an empty chair.