President Trump ripped House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after the California Democrat attacked him on Fox News this morning.
Nancy Pelosi appeared on Fox News for the first time in three years and went after President Trump from the start as Chris Wallace sat back and let her rant where she gave Trump an ‘F’ for his pandemic response.
Fox News reported that Pelosi gave Trump an ‘F’ for what she called “weak” leadership during the coronavirus pandemic and promised that despite recent snags, Congress will “soon” reach an agreement for adding $250 billion to replenish a program that provides forgivable loans to small businesses.
“Leaders — leaders take responsibility. So I said he’s a weak leader. He doesn’t take responsibility. He places blame — blame on others,” Pelosi said. “And that might have been OK before, but we cannot continue down a path that is, again I’ll come back to science, science, science, evidence, data on how we should go forward.”
Trump announced his plan last week, and Pelosi remained critical of the president even though Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the plan’s first phase, if carried out properly, could provide enough testing for it to work.
When asked if she believes Fauci, Pelosi said she does, but pointed to what she called a “failure” to perform sufficient testing thus far as evidence that the administration has already come up short.
“But we’re way late on it and that is a failure. The president gets an F, a failure on the testing,” Pelosi said. “But Fauci — Dr. Fauci’s right. If it is done properly, it hasn’t been and I — I think when he puts in the ‘if it’s done’ is an admission that it hasn’t been done “…
… “We want to add more money there,” Pelosi said, but added that “it is very urgent though that we support our — our police and fire, our health care workers, our nurses, our teachers.” She stated “that’s what the state and local government is about, is meeting the needs of the coronavirus. And everything that we’re doing is about the coronavirus, understand that.”
President Trump didn’t wait long to respond to Pelosi, so he took to social media and blasted the California Democrat.
“Nervous Nancy is an inherently “dumb” person. She wasted all of her time on the Impeachment Hoax. She will be overthrown, either by inside or out, just like her last time as “Speaker.” Wallace & @FoxNews are on a bad path, watch!”