Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t being let off the hook for her “concentration camps” comparison as CNN’s Jake Tapper is grilling her on her position.
After sparking outrage for her comments condemning the Trump administration’s use of holding immigrant children at military bases that were once used as internment camps — which were also used under the Obama administration — AOC isn’t backing down despite push back for seemingly comparing the situation to the Holocaust.
Even after her outspoken criticism of President Trump’s efforts on the situation at the border with Mexico, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez was called out for “hypocrisy” in voting down a border funding bill to address the immigrant crisis. She then said “hell no” as she voted down the Senate bill providing $4.6 billion to help the border situation — again not putting her votes where her mouth is.
“Well if you oppose the Senate bill and you also oppose the House bill, I guess I’m wondering what it is that you’re willing to support that could pass in either the House or the Senate?” Tapper questioned the freshman representative.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez responded that the President could “declare an emergency right now” — although she opposed his previous national emergency declaration on border security. She also claimed that Congress should “pass a pure humanitarian bill.”
When asked again about opposing both bills and if she’s “just ultimately depriving these kids of housing facilities that they need,” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez claimed that she did it to “send a message.”
When it comes to AOC’s concentration camps comment, Jake Tapper called out the freshman representative for using the term under the Trump administration but not under the Obama administration.
Ocasio-Cortez claimed that she was “was working in a restaurant” under Obama’s presidency — but as Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra pointed out that she was a staffer on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign during the Obama administration.
She even explained during a previous interview with Time that “Sanders’ race was one of my first times where I crossed that bridge from grassroots community organizing to electoral organizing.”