Joe Biden couldn’t handle some softball questions from the friendly NBC reporter Savannah Guthrie about Hunter Biden’s Burisma deal and he snapped.
Biden should know by now that times have indeed changed – the anti-establishment feeling still runs deep in America after the failures of the past leaders caused so much damage.
The NBC reporter started by noting the “certain irony” that Republicans “ensured that everyone knows” about Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma because of the impeachment, hinting the debacle backfired.
“That’s a good thing,” Joe Biden replied. “No one’s found anything wrong with his dealings in Ukraine except the said that it’s a bad image.”
“Well, do you agree that it sets a bad image?” Guthrie asked. “Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing it was really because the company wanted access to you?”
“That’s not true!” Biden snapped. “You’re saying things you don’t know what you’re talking about! No one’s said that! Who said that!?”
Savannah Guthrie then hit a direct hit and called Hunter’s work in Ukraine “sleazy” before asking Biden, “was it right?”
Joe Biden dodged the question and said of Hunter “he’s a very bright guy” and he “speaks for himself.”