During House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s appearance on “The View,” co-host Joy Behar said she’s “dreaming of the day” when “we all say President Nancy Pelosi.”
She added “I think that sounds really good. But the polls are showing that Biden is ahead in key swing states. It’s very encouraging in many ways, Pennsylvania, et cetera, but I’m still worried that they could steal this election. I know that the Russians are still involved.”
“Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security just released a report warning that Russia is a key threat to the election. Now we knew this going into 2016 too, and we saw how that turned out.”
“This is why I’m not counting my chickens at all. I’m still nervous. People have to vote, and we have to win in a landslide,” said Joy Behar.
“How concerned are you about that?” Behar asked Pelosi.
Pelosi responded “Well, I’m concerned, but I don’t— my motto is we don’t agonize, we organize.”
“I have no doubt that the president, in typical fashion, will lie, cheat, and steal to win this election,” she continued.
“So we are prepared for that. I’m sorry to have to say that, by being speaker of the House and he’s president of the United States, but that is the reality,” she added.