Congressman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) appeared on an interview with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro and pointed out why President Trump’s move to declare a national emergency on border security could be a success.
The North Carolina Republican told Jeanine Pirro that he understands why some Republicans hesitate to support President Trump in his decision but also that it’s not as extreme as it seems.
“Well, I think everybody, especially on the Republican side of the aisle, wants to make sure Congress has the power and not the executive branch,” said Meadows.
“That being said, Judge, here is the interesting thing: Congress had the ability to act, and actually stop the president from doing this national emergency. Twenty words, Judge — all they had to do was say no funds from 10 USC 284 2808 shall be used to build a barrier between Mexico and the United States.” he added.
The strategy that Mark Meadows explained was a provision that would’ve given the Supreme Court reason to block President Trump’s plan. However, since there was nothing placed in the bill, the court will ultimately have to defer to President Trump’s national emergency declaration.
As Meadows explained, the President even warned Congress of his plans and they still didn’t add the block into the bill.
“Twenty words if they had put in there basically would have prohibited the president from doing this. But the president did a real shrewd thing: Before they signed the bill and sent it to him before they voted on it, he said I’m going to declare a national emergency. He put them on notice, yet Congress didn’t act. I think the Supreme Court will look at that and say why did not Congress act? Do you know why they didn’t act? Because it’s dysfunctional and they refuse to admit that there is a crisis at the border.”
Last Friday, President Donald Trump declared that he would be signing the national emergency legislation in order to reallocate funds to build the southern border wall.
Every president for the past 40 years has declared that the Border needs to be secured. it is about time someone did something about it.