Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar on social media over a Dem insert into the stimulus bill.
Gaetz took issue with $350 million in funding for refugees and immigrants in the relief package that Congress is about to pass.
“Millions of Americans need help now. Dangerous poison pills like $350,000,000 for ‘Migration and Refugee Assistance’ put America LAST,” Matt Gaetz tweeted.
“Democrats: This is not the time to advance your legislative agenda. This is the time to put #AmericaFirst,” he added.
“Immigrants and refugees, are Americans/pay taxes and as vulnerable communities need the resources ‘to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus,’” Rep. Ilhan Omar said.
“Wonder why this upsets you more than a $500,000,000 billion corporate welfare fund for a select group of large companies?”
“Much of this money will be spent on illegal immigrants in the United States, and foreign migrants around the world,” Matt Gaetz shot back.
“Neither of those groups are Americans. This does not belong in a relief package for American workers and businesses. #AmericaFirst.”