Maxine Waters slammed Ben Carson for his new HUD rule that plans to remove illegal immigrants from public housing and replace them with poor Americans.
Housing and Urban Development secretary Ben Carson announced the changes recently and received acclaim from most Americans who believe that this is the most generous country in history, but we need to help our citizens first.
Maxine Waters disagrees and wants the United States to be a free gravy train for anyone who can make it to our soil, while turning our backs on our own citizens who are most in need.
The Washington Examiner reported that House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters demanded that Trump’s administration must withdraw a proposal to tighten regulations aimed at limiting public housing benefits to immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.
Waters and more than 20 Democrats from the committee criticized Saturday the “senseless” proposal from the Department of Housing and Urban Development after the agency acknowledged the policy could displace more than 55,000 children from public housing who are legal residents or citizens.
The proposal was published on Friday in the federal register, and said that it would target families in which at least one member is living in the country illegally.
Our current rules already bar illegal immigrants from receiving federal housing subsidies, but families of mixed immigration status — with at least one person being a legal resident — are exempted so they can all stay together.
“This proposed rule is yet another proposal from HUD under your leadership that fundamentally contradicts the agency’s mission ‘to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all,’” the Dems wrote in a Friday letter to HUD Secretary Ben Carson. “This cruel and needless targeting of struggling immigrant families only contributes to historic patterns of inequality, which ultimately hinder the U.S. housing market and American economy.”
The newly proposed rule would allow individual members of mixed families who have legal status to stay in public housing. But since other members of the family without status would be barred, the ones with legal status would be unlikely to stay for fear of separating the family, HUD’s own analysis found.