
Maxine Waters Not Sure If Joe Biden Has What It Takes To Beat Donald Trump

On Tuesday House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters punted when asked whether she believes former Vice President Joe Biden could defeat President Trump in a general election contest.

“I don’t know, but we’ll see,” Waters said when asked by Just the News senior correspondent Nicholas Ballasy if Biden has what it takes to win in November.

Waters noted that while she has not publicly announced her support for Biden or his Democrat presidential primary rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, it’s paramount that the nominee is able to unseat the president. “It’s not about who you like,” she explained.

“It’s about now watching and understanding who can beat Trump,” she added.

She was also asked about Biden’s frequent gaffes on the campaign trail and whether his mental acuity is a cause of concern.

“Nobody has made more gaffes and told more lies than the president of the United States of America,” she quipped about President Trump. “How dare he talk about somebody’s gaffes?”

President Trump has repeatedly highlighted Biden‘s gaffes, stating earlier this month the Democrat front-runner doesn’t know “what office he’s running for.”

“Sleepy Joe doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing,” the president wrote on Twitter. “Honestly, I don’t think he even knows what office he’s running for!” Joe Biden has indeed mistaken the state he has campaigned in on multiple occasions.

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