Appearing on Fox News Sunday, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to President Trump getting COVID-19 “rather disgusting.”
McCarthy denounced Nancy Pelosi’s reaction, saying “This is uncalled for, especially in this time and place.”
He added “Other nations are watching America. This is the one time we could unite together…”
“[Trump] is sitting here trying to work with this speaker to get a COVID relief package together and these are the comments that she makes?” McCarthy asked.
“It’s really unbecoming of that position,” Kevin McCarthy added.
Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared on MSNBC where she reacted to President Trump and First Lady Melania testing positive for COVID-19.
“This is tragic. It’s very sad.” Pelosi said “but it also is something that, again, going into crowds unmasked and all the rest was sort of a brazen invitation for something like this to happen.”