The mainstream media’s insistence on ignoring and downplaying the scandal surrounding the improper investigation into and prosecution of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn prompted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany into giving them a veritable schoolroom “spanking” this Friday.
Apparently, during a briefing earlier this week McEnany read out a list of questions that she’d felt any real journalist ought to be asking right now of the Flynn scandal.
“I laid out a series of questions that any good journalist would want to answer about why people were unmasked … and I just wanted to follow up with you guys on that. Did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking the President Obama spokesperson?” she explained at Friday’s briefing.
But had any of the “journalists” in the briefing room sought to answer them? The answer is NO.
Clearly annoyed by the media’s inability to perform even the most basic-level research, the press secretary chose Friday to approach them with a different strategy — namely, by treating them like little children and displaying the previously read questions to them using easily decipherable, kid-friendly visual slides.
“Okay, so I would like to lay out a series of questions and perhaps if I write them out in a slide format, maybe we’re visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity,” McEnany condescendingly said.
Below are the questions that McEnany showed in the slide show.
Question One
McEnany: “So number one, why did the Obama administration use opposition research funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to surveil members of the Trump campaign?”
Question Two
McEnany: “Number two, why was Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn unmasked — not by the intel community entirely, but by Obama’s chief of staff, by the former vice president, Joe Biden, by Susan Rice, by the treasury secretary?”
“I mean, this is extraordinary. And you know, if it were political appointees in the Trump administration, I can guarantee you I’d have questions in my inbox right now, but apparently Obama’s spokesperson does not.”
Question Three
McEnany: “Why was Flynn’s identity leaked in a criminal act? It is a criminal act to leak the identity of Michael Flynn to the press, but it happened. Where are the questions to Obama’s spokesperson? Because my team would be running around this building should this have happened under the Trump administration.”
Question Four
McEnany: “Why did the DOJ, Sally Yates, learn about the unmasking from President Obama? So much for going by the book as Susan Rice said three times. Thou doth protest too much, Susan Rice.”
Question Five
McEnany “And then finally, question number five, why did James Clapper, John Brennan, Samantha Power and Susan Rice privately admit under oath they had no evidence of collusion while saying the opposite publicly?”
Any questions, children?
McEnany concluded the briefing by encouraging the “journalists” present to actually do their homework for a change instead of slacking off.
“It’s a long weekend. You guys have three days to follow up on those questions, and I certainly hope the next time I ask, some hands go up because Obama’s spokesperson should be asked those questions. Because President Trump’s spokespeople certainly would be,” she said.
And with that, she walked away, and members of the press — many of whom these days seem to serve as nothing but propagandists for the Democrat Party — cried foul, accusing her of peddling conspiracy theories.