It’s not very unusual for things to heat up between the ladies of “The View” but this time after it was questioned whether the American people understand socialism, co-host Meghan McCain concluded that Democratic socialists are the reason President Donald Trump is going to get re-elected in 2020.
Tuesday’s “The View” consisted of a fiery discussion, starting with the hosts talking about a poll which shows that most Americans are okay with a homosexual candidate, but fewer Americans being okay with a socialist president.
This discussion quickly turned into co-host Behar wondering if Americans understand the meaning of socialism which McCain swiped back at, saying, “People are smart.” Behar countered that she disagrees socialism is a “bad thing” ahead of 2020.
“I miss Whoopi [Goldberg] when she’s not here,” an exasperated McCain said.
Then, the heat continued dialing up.
“I’m just trying to explain to you the other side … and why Democratic Socialists could be leading you toward the path of Trump getting re-elected,” McCain said.
“Instead, I’m told I don’t understand what Democratic Socialism is. I assure you, Joy, I do.” she added.
During Tuesday’s show, there was another segment where Behar claimed former President Barack Obama’s presidency was “completely scandal-free,” prompting McCain to swipe back.
McCain blasted the idea of Obama’s administration viewed as “pristine, scandal-free, perfect administration that never did anything wrong.”
When Hostin also claimed Obama’s administration was “scandal-free,” McCain then reiterated her warning how President Donald Trump would get re-elected.
“I’m telling you. It is how we got Trump and it’s how you’re going to re-elect him,” McCain said. “And when he’s re-elected, which at this point, I believe he is going to be, I hope you’ll listen to the points that I have given you.”