Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won the first battle with Adam Schiff and the Democrats in President Trump’s impeachment trial.
McConnell dictated the rules going forward on the Democrats and let them whine in vain, which they did because he told them he has the votes and he who has the votes controls the show.
Now, the GOP will control the whole process and there is nothing the Dems can do about it. Based on the last 3 years of lying and leaking, the Democrats have very little credibility left.
The Hill reported that Mitch McConnell called the rules fight an “entrance exam” that will determine if the Senate can “put fairness, evenhandedness and historical precedent ahead of partisan passions.”
“The organizing resolution already has the support of the majority of the Senate. That’s because it sets up a structure that is fair, evenhanded and tracks closely with past precedent that were established unanimously,” McConnell said.
The Dems have taken issue with two provisions, in particular, in the rules resolution: While it gives both House managers and Trump’s legal team 24 hours each to present their case, it breaks with the 1999 trial of President Clinton by requiring them to use that time within two days.
It also doesn’t admit House evidence into the trial record until after the Senate votes on whether or not to call witnesses or admit documents. That vote is not expected to wait until after opening arguments and questions from senators.
Charles Schumer fired back at Mitch McConnell from the floor arguing that while the GOP leader has touted the Clinton rules his proposal includes changes that make the trial “less transparent, less clear and with less evidence.”
“The McConnell rules seem to be designed by President Trump and for President Trump. It asks the Senate to rush through as fast as possible and makes getting evidence as hard as possible. …[It] will result in rushed trial with little evidence in the dark of night,” Schumer said.