My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell was mocked for the sole crime of turning his manufacturing capacity over to the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
In a time when we all need to pitch in and help fight this, one would think the media would use Lindell’s sacrifice to praise him and subtly shade other companies who are not doing what Lindell is doing.
But that’s not what happened, instead, he was attacked for praising God and President Trump and now he is hitting back.
“Are they really that evil?” Lindell asked on Fox Business.
“I heard Jim Acosta attack me too, he was just 10 feet away from me in the Rose Garden, this is just evil.”
“I said Mr. President, you do these press conferences, I have friends of mine on the left, I showed him one of my texts,” he added.
“The text said “Mike I’m not a big fan of President Trump, but God bless him, he is doing an amazing job,” these are real people that are seeing now, that this president has been the best man in charge for such a time as this.”
“It’s just those newscastsers, those journalists, we know who they are, CNN what they did to me, I am sorry a put on a message of hope to country that God gave us grace in November of 2016.”
“A nation that turned its back on God, right now we’re part of this big revival, we can go get back in the Word with our family and bibles and everyone pray this great administration to make decisions to get us through this.”
Lindell then dropped the hammer, “You know I am appalled by the journalists that I see. I used to think that, are they really this evil, and yes, they are.”