Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are both desperate to score at least some public points in their failed quest to get President Trump.
Today Jerry Nadler suffered another defeat in federal court. The Democrats are trying everything they can and they keep failing. Nadler even tried the impeachment excuse and still, he lost in court.
Nancy Pelosi is the only smart one and she is blocking their doomed feel-good impeachment effort, but Pelosi won’t be able to hold them off forever and when she caves President Trump will get yet another win.
The Hill reported that a federal judge has rejected a request from House Democrats to have their court fights for testimony from ex-White House counsel Don McGahn and material from special counsel Mueller’s report decided by the same judge.
On Wednesday, D.C. District Chief Judge Beryl Howell wrote in an opinion that the connections between the two cases as presented by the House Judiciary Committee “are too superficial and attenuated” to meet the requirement for designating the cases as related, which would have allowed them to be decided by the same judge.
The decision is a big blow for House Democrats, who argued earlier this week that the cases should be deemed related because “both seek key evidence for the Judiciary Committee’s investigation into whether to recommend articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump for potentially criminal obstructive conduct.”
The Democrats have said both cases are central to the committee’s investigation into the episodes of potential obstruction by the President laid out in Robert Mueller’s report. Lawyers for the House Democrats described the congressional probe as an “impeachment investigation.”