Arguing about Vote-by-mail idea for the election, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shared a message on Twitter supporting the idea, saying that there are no arguments against it.
“Vote-by-mail is essential to protecting the future of our democracy as we confront this public health crisis,” Pelosi said.
“There is no legitimate argument against enacting it” she added.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump was asked “Do you think every state in the country should be prepared for mail-in voting?” by ABC’s Jonathan Karl.
“No, because I think a lot of people cheat with mail-in voting,” President Trump replied.
“And it shouldn’t be mail-in voting. It should be, you go to a booth, and you probably display yourself,” he continued.
“You don’t send it in the mail where people pick up all sorts of bad things can happen by the time they sign that, if they sign that, if they sign that, by the time it gets and is tabulated,” the President added.
“No. It should not be mailed-in. You should vote at the booth, and you should have voter ID.”