
NRA Instructor With AR-15 Saved The Lives Of A Pregnant Woman And Her Husband

Real drama happened in Oswego, Illinois after a pregnant woman and her husband were attacked on the street by a man with a knife.

The drama started when the pregnant woman who lives in the building of the apartment complex ordered pizza and went outside to meet the delivery guy. She was intercepted by a man with the knife who started to tackle with her, even tho she told him that she was nine months pregnant. The attacker stabbed her husband and nicked her leg with the knife.

Dave Thomas, 41, a National Rifle Association instructor was looking out the door and saw blood in the hallway in-front of his apartment, after which he went to his bedroom and took his AR-15.

‘I teach people how to defend themselves, and it was just a reaction to grab the AR-15,’ Thomas stated, according to the Aurora Beacon-News. ‘He was a half a breath away from getting his head blown off and he knew that. That’s why he put the knife down.’

After the drama finished, Kendall County Sheriff’s deputies arrived and arrested the man suspected of stabbing his neighbor. A woman who was with the suspected attacker, was also arrested.

The pregnant woman’s husband was immediately transferred to the hospital where he was treated and released, after the doctors made sure that his life was out of danger, according to the sheriff’s office.

‘He told me he was gonna kill my baby — while his hand was covered in my husband’s blood,’ the unidentified woman said.

The attacker Jacob Currey, and his companion Alyssa Wright were both charged with aggravated battery and mob action — both felonies.

Dave Thomas, 41, the NRA instructor who intervened to stop the attack, got the credit by Kendall County Sheriff Detective Bryan Harl for preventing the situation from getting even worse.

‘He did in the moment what he thought was going to de-escalate this situation and stop any further violence or loss of life and for that he is to be praised,’ – Detective Bryan Harl said, according to the Aurora Beacon-News.

National Rifle Association instructor Dave Thomas has a valid firearm owner’s ID card and a concealed carry permit, according to the sheriff’s office.

Do you think that the AR-15 changed the outcome of this incident? Let us know in the comment section below!

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