Ohio Sheriff Richard Jones of Butler County offered to pony up funds for a one-way ticket for any celebrities who want to leave the country if Donald Trump is re-elected.
The Butler County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post says “Sheriff Richard K. Jones states it’s that time of election year again. Celebrities threatening to leave the United States if the President is re-elected. This happened in 2016 and it is believed not one celebrity left then and it appears the same threats are being made this election year.”
The release continues “Sheriff Jones would like to extend an invitation to put money towards a one-way ticket for any celebrity that would like to leave the country this time around if President Trump is re-elected.”
“Hell, I’ll even help them pack,” states Sheriff Jones.
Speaking to Australian media, rocker Bruce Springsteen recently jokingly vowed to move from the U.S. to down under if President Trump wins re-election “by some happenstance.”
Springsteen said “I love Australia. Every time, we have nothing but good times down there. It’s always a treat to come. Love the people, love the geography, great place for motorcycle trips, it’s close to our hearts.”
He then added “If Trump is re-elected, which he will not be, I’m predicting right now he’s gonna lose, if by some happenstance he should be, I’ll see you on the next plane.”
In a recent interview with “Variety” Fleetwood Mac lead Steve Nicks said (jokingly we presume) she’s considered leaving earth on a space ship in order to escape the racism of Trump’s America.
Nicks explained “racism in the last four years is so much worse than it was. I’m 72 years old. I lived through the ‘60s. I’ve seen all this. I fought for Roe vs. Wade; that was my generation’s fight.”
She continued “and I don’t want to live in a country that is so divisive. I go, like, well, if this starts over and there’s another four years of this, then I’m going — but we’re not welcome anywhere. So where can I go? And I’m thinking: Oh, space. Maybe I can talk Elon Musk into giving us a jet and letting me pick 50 people, and we’re like the arc, and someone can take us and let us live on another planet until the next four years are over.”