Over 30 former staffers of Senator Mitt Romney are uniting behind an effort to elect Joe Biden for President.
Ironically, Joe Biden was once their opponent in 2012 when he was Obama’s Vice President.
The group, that goes by “Romney Alumni for Biden” has a website where they write in a statement “Collectively, we represent nearly every sector of Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign: finance, operations, field, policy, digital, IT, scheduling, events, communications, advance, and more.”
“Some of us are longtime political operatives, others worked only on the 2012 race, motivated by a man we believed uniquely qualified to be our 45th commander-in-chief.”
“When our efforts came up short, we grieved but we never feared for our republic in the way we do today.”
Explaining their opposition to President Donald Trump they add “What unites us now is a deep conviction that four more years of a Trump presidency will morally bankrupt this country, irreparably damage our democracy, and permanently transform the Republican Party into a toxic personality cult.”
The group concludes “Spending time with Sen. Romney on the campaign trail, from small town stops to massive rallies, in minivans and mega buses, we saw a thoughtful and compassionate man rooted in humility, service, and devotion to his family and fellow citizens.”
“We know Mitt and Joe share those same essential, presidential traits—traits that make Vice President Biden the clear choice to lead the United States through this perilous, uncertain time.”
Members who signed the statement include Vickie Blanton, Director of Scheduling, Erin Bradley – Director, Office of Ann Romney, Brittany Ladd – Director of Advance, Office of Ann Romney and Kristy Campbell – Deputy Communications Director.