Jacob Blake’s mother appeared on CNN and denounced the rioting in her son’s name, and apologized to President Donald Trump.
“My family and I are very hurt and quite frankly disgusted. And as his mother, please don’t burn up property and cause havoc and tear your own homes down in my son’s name.”
“You shouldn’t do it. People shouldn’t do it anyway, but to use my child or any other mother or father’s child — our tragedy — to react in that manner is just not acceptable,” Blake’s mother, Julia Jackson, said.
Jackson also discussed the fact that a member of her family trashed President Trump over the incident. She apologized to the president for their conduct, and also apologized for missing President Trump’s phone call.
“For our president, Trump: First I want to say a family member and I don’t know if it was heard or not said something that was not kind. She is hurting and I do apologize for that.“
“Our outburst does not reflect our behavior. And then also, for President Trump: I’m sorry I missed your call because had I not missed your call, maybe the comments that you made would have been different… I’m not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country,” Jackson said.
Riots erupted after Jacob Blake was shot by the Police. Businesses have been looted and burned to the ground. A used-car lot was set on fire. Kenosha, Wisconsin is beginning to look like a war zone.