
Pelosi Reacts To Presidential Debate, Says “I Lost a Lot Of Sleep” Over Trump’s Remarks

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared on “Morning Joe,” and reacted to the first Trump-Biden presidential debate.

Nancy Pelosi had suggested to Joe Biden not debate President Trump at all on multiple occasions.

“I’m just sorry that they didn’t turn off the microphone when it was Joe Biden’s turn to speak and turn it on when it was the president’s turn to speak, and we would have not had this disruption,” she added.

“You would have thought that would have been a simple thing to do. He’s been enabled his whole life, and now the American people are paying a price, paying a price for the fact that no one has ever said to him, ‘no.’”

“It was really a sad night for our Country in that the President of the United States would not disassociate himself from White Supremacists and terrorists in our country,” Pelosi said.

“I lost a lot of sleep last night over that one fact,” Pelosi said.

“But I did know that he has never respected the dignity of his office and he demonstrated that last night.”

“I think the one thing he did present was the authenticity of who he is,” she added.

This was the exchange House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was referring to.

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