Thousands of people have signed the petition calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be ‘prosecuted for COVID violations’
The petition has gone viral across social media and is calling for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be “prosecuted by San Francisco for her flaunting of COVID regulations.”
The viral campaign has gathered tens of thousands of signatures in response to Speaker Pelosi being caught on camera in a hair salon without a mask earlier this month.
“The salon owner gets death threats, while Pelosi has paid ZERO price for her hypocrisy,” the petition states.
At the time of press, more than 32,000 people have signed the petition, soaring past its initial goal of 20,000 signatures.
The campaign demands that San Francisco Police Chief William Scott launches a criminal investigation and prosecutes the top California Democrat.

The petition includes a letter addressed to the police chief that says, “Laws aren’t just for the ‘little people’.”
“Not only did Nancy Pelosi knowingly violate health ordinances, but just destroyed a business because she couldn’t take an ounce of responsibility,” the letter argues.
“At a very minimum, Nancy Pelosi must be prosecuted by San Francisco for her flaunting of COVID regulations. Now!”

The petition was posted by the Media Action Network (MAN), which vows to “expose and replace” liberal media, according to The Daily Mail.
“The ‘mainstream’ media pretends to be unbiased referees while they operate as an arm of the Democrat party,” the MAN website says.
“As long as they’re still faking objectivity, we’ll be there to remind them.”
You can view and sign the petition HERE.